To: members of South Padre 2008!!!
Islam A.Moneim
4:29pm Feb 8th
Hey guys,I found a real cool deal at Southbeach hotel in South Padre. The hotel is two block from the beach so it's at a walkable distance from the beach. This package is through therefore there will be a lot of incentives like:1.Free VIP parties2.$50 gas card per room3.two meals per day4.$50 card for groceries and liquorOne room at the hotel for 5 people will cost a total of $240/person for 5 days and 5 nightsIf you want a similar package or any other modifications I will be able to arrange it for you. I am the Representive for StudentCity at SOSU so I can get you other hotels/condos for different prices. They have beach condos for 10 people for as low as $400 for 7days 7 nights! so Just Ask! I am trying to get all the info and signing people up in the next 5-7 days so let me know if your interested so I can get you a reservatoin. The more you wait the higher the prices go up, so the sooner the better. If you are interested you can facebook me or call me at 580-775-0504
Islam A.Moneim.
To: members of South Padre 2008!!!
1:57 am Febuary 11th
Dear South Padre 2008!!!,
It is with a sad heart and a heavy pen that I write this missive, but I feel that it is my duty to announce to the world, and the greater Facebook community, that, as a matter of conscience, I must resign from this group.
While the simple but heroic aims of South Padre 2008!!! - the creation of a larger community of intersubjective communication and public discourse, free jello shots, nice, big titties, low-priced tattoos, and all-inclusive pricing - have always stood out in my mind as the paradigmatic example of modern manhood, with the continued presence of our beautiful country in the land of Iraq, I feel that I must resign in protest from this formerly beautiful community. How can we sit here, sipping our drinks out of some girl's bellybutton or asshole, while our bros are getting fucking pummelled in Iraq? As I was playing Halo last night with my buddy Tim Riggins, I realized that, instead of teafragging ( some toolbox across my hall, I could be sitting in a tank teafragging some fucking Muslims in the desert. It is only because of the privileges of aristocratic birth, what the French call "bien naitre," that I am able to teafrag from the comfort of my dorm room. Given this realization, I am not, in good conscience, able to recreate myself in our country's beautiful seaside resort of South Padre along with other Citizens. I ask that those of you for whom the ideals of brotherhood, liberty, and global peace still mean anything join me in resigning from this group in protest.