Tuesday, November 6, 2007

It's Britney, Bitch!

OMG Guys.

Um, this reminds me of Adorno's dictum that "the greatness of a work of art consists solely in it's ability to give voice to that which ideology hides."

While I'd love to amuse myself by relating this to Foucault's "truth games" (see the 'perfomative' S&M at the end), the sublimity of technology (maybe I could throw, like, Baudrillard in there?), the radical contingency of the subject implied by the double-remove of a lip-sync'd "It's Britney, bitch," or by spouting out some faux Perez Hilton-esque sassy commentary about some small detail that you can only notice by pausing the video, somehow I can't help but feel that posting a video such as this, which every ironic little college student does, is not only nothing other than 'sound and fury, signifying nothing,' but some sort of bullshit, ultimately conservative resistence-as-acquiescence. I would like to take refuge in the notion that one could reactivate the type of critique found in Adorno's Minima Moralia and that this could then mean something, be an outraged but not sanctimonious protest, an ethical working through, a bringing-to-the-fore of 'inherent contradictions.' I'm not sure, really, that that's anything other than self-indulgence.

That said, here are some funny things I noticed about this.

-Hey Britney, have you put on some weight there??!!!11!?? I mean, you still look great but maybe that baby took a toll on you or something!

-Those moves are cool but next time try to get them sync'd up a bit better!

-'Gimme more'? GREAT! LOVES the refrain. Perfect for clubs, can't wait for the Oakenfold remix, also it speaks so eloquently to the current state of our consumption-oriented culture!

-This will be GREAT for the emerging tween market. I envision a whole line of Britney-branded stripper poles. Perhaps a brand of low-fat, low-carb(on) diet cereal.
