As we've learned from celebrity icons such as Britney Spears, who shaved her head so as to reduce the need for air-conditioning in her L.A. mansion, being hip is not easy. It requires hard work, dedication, and often a fair amount of anxiety. Like this morning, after I took a piss, I hesitated for a good thirty seconds about whether to flush the toilet: would the energy and water that I saved from not flushing more than offset the damage that would be caused when I later would have to scrub down the yellow-stained bowl with cleaning products?
These and other questions, while they may appear to be the preserve of inexperienced hipsters like myself, are actually questions that even the most powerful hipsters are facing every day. As this Times article suggests, celebrities, writers, and other hip yuppies confront difficult eco-choices every day.
These and other questions, while they may appear to be the preserve of inexperienced hipsters like myself, are actually questions that even the most powerful hipsters are facing every day. As this Times article suggests, celebrities, writers, and other hip yuppies confront difficult eco-choices every day.