Dear Female Public Sphere,
Due to a not-insignificant level of interest from my readership of the female persuasion, I thought it would befit my generous and aristocratic spirit if I were to provide some guidelines for those seeking to make my acquaintance. Namely, I have provided below a reading list that constitutes the minimum level of education that I expect from female suitors. If you have not read the following, or are not willing to do so before a F2F meeting, I would be willing to consider chatting online or perhaps even a webcam 'encounter,' as long as you agree to play the Youtube recordings of Zizek lectures at the European Graduate School at the highest possible volume, and within sight of the webcam, during our 'encounter'.
- Deleuze & Guattari, Mille Plateaux
- Marx, Das Kapital (All four volumes, preferably in the original German or in French translation)
- Ellis, American Psycho
- Butler, Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex
- Stine, Goosebumps (All installments. Note that French or German translations are acceptable. Alternatively, familiarity with the entire Fear Street series will be accepted on the condition that all volumes were read in German translation - French translation NOT acceptable)
- Hegel Phenomonology of Spirit (must be in original German)
- Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics (translation OK)
- Joyce, Ulysses
- Nietzsche's œuvre complète (must be in original German, and must have been read while on long walks in the Schwarzwald, while wintering in St. Moritz, or while under the influence of peyote)
Good luck, and may the best -Φ win!
[Note: thanks to kushakov for alerting me to my lack of an "eeks" at the end of Mille Platea[x]. Quelle horreur que ca soit si je l'ai laissé comme avant!]